Open letter to party leaders

Today, the Rural Prosperity Group (RPG) released an open letter to party leaders urging them to consider the impact of their party policies and election platforms on rural Canada.

As policymakers prepare for the next general election, it is vital they apply a rural lens to their proposals. By valuing rural communities and their contributions, government policies can be designed with the flexibility and adaptability to benefit both urban and rural families. In the letter, the group underscores the necessity for policymakers to craft inclusive strategies that address the unique challenges and untapped opportunities of rural communities across the country.

Despite contributing 30 per cent to Canada’s GDP and hosting over a quarter of the population, rural communities are too often excluded from critical policy discussions.

The Rural Prosperity Group aims to change that by advocating for a more equitable approach to public policymaking that includes rural perspectives.


2024 pre-budget submission to the House of Commons Finance Committee